noscriptHook (Latch) Type Industrial Clamp | TED


Hook (Latch) Type Industrial Clamp

3 Variations

Features: The action of Hook clamps in pulling two parts together makes them suitable for applications such as closing and holding closed doors, lids, moulds, etc. A benefit of hook clamps is that while the clamp and the pin, or latch bracket it engages, must be in alignment when viewed from the top, there is no such requirement when viewed from the side - the clamp will lock securely over centre regardless of the angle of the hook. The hook may be engaged either directly to a bolt or pin on one of the parts to be pulled together, or to the latch bracket provided. All hook clamps are fitted with a comfortable, cushioned orange handle grip.
Specification: Components are of zinc plated and passivated steel, the hooks being high tensile alloy steel.

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