noscriptAIRFORCE® MK4 Tyre Inflator And Spare Parts | TED


AIRFORCE® MK4 Tyre Inflator And Spare Parts

1 Variations

The classic MK3 Tyre Inflator has been industry standard in many garages, petrol
forecourts & tyre depots for over 25 years.


-Large window to give a greater field of viewing
-Lightweight - Gauge body weighs 923g, less work strain and easier for repetitive use
-New Piston & Seal Design - New design, less drag, reduced friction & less movement inertia means no internal corrosion, no sticking and no
skewing of accuracy
-New Valve Mechanism - Simplified 2 stage mechanism design prevents user having to "push" against full line pressure on deflate preventing fatigue
-Biomorphic Shape - Ergonomic, easier to use and less prone to damage when dropped
-Individually tested and certified against national approved gauges
-Complies with EC 86/217 & EN 12645:201