noscriptESD Plastic Tweezers | TED


ESD Plastic Tweezers

1 Variations

This range of ESD plastic tweezers are ideal when handing delicate electrical components as well as other fragile equipment. Available in various specifications and sizes, each pair of tweezers is manufactured from resilient carbon fibre reinforced plastic.

Features and Benefits
• Electrically and thermally highly conductive
• High resistance to abrasion and scratching
• Possess a surface resistance between 10^2 and 10^3 ohms to for optimum safety
• Temperature-stable up to 130° C, short-term use is possible at up to 190° C
• Carbon fibre reinforced plastic is extremely flexible, fatigue-resistant, vibration-reducing and water-repellent, with good chemical resistance to most oils, greases, fuels and nonpolar solvents for a robust product
• Plastic construction ensures maximum surface protection when handling sensitive electronic components, micro-mechanical parts, as well as glass and ceramic component
• Manufactured from carbon fibre reinforced plastic for durability and reusability
• Available in a variety of specifications and sizes to suit your exact needs

Typical Applications
• Modelling
• Crafting
• Electrical

• DIN EN 61340 -5-1