noscriptKettles | TED


A hight quality kettle guarantees the workplace hot water and drinks time and time again. Cromwell offers a wide selection of corded and cordless kettles to suit many catering needs. With big brands such as Igenix® and Premi®, you'll be sure to find quality and durability for you and your workspace.

What are kettles?

Kettles come in a few different varieties, but their functionality remains the same, boiling water.

When are kettles used?

There are many occasions when you will need to boil water, whether it's sterilising equipment for cleaning or making your morning brew, so it's safe to say a functional kettle is a key component for most work environments.

Considerations when choosing a kettle

Cost - Budget comes heavily into play when choosing a kettle. The more advance the design features the more expensive the item. Find a happy medium between, price and functionality.

Access to power - Cordless kettles already have a solution to this problem, as they can be free to move away from the point of being heated. So, dependent on the environment or workspace will reflect whether a cordless kettle is best for you and your needs.


Should I leave water in a kettle?
Although this seems to be a common practice with everyone, it is recommended to empty your kettle completely between uses, as thus can encourage the build-up of limescale, shortening the products, lifespan.

Can I boil other liquids in my kettle?
Kettles are generally not recommended for boiling any other liquids other than water.