noscript3/4 Face Respirators, A1P3 | TED


3/4 Face Respirators, A1P3

2 Variations

The Elipse Integra is a combination mask constructed with safety goggles and replaceable filters.

Features and Benefits
• HESPA (High-Efficiency Synthetic Particulate Air Filter) high activated carbon filters aid wearer safety and protect against most organic gases and vapours, dust, metal fumes, mists and micro-organisms, such as bacteria and viruses
• Compact filter design offers a wider field of vision
• Low breathing resistance reduces the risk of user fatigue and moisture built up

Typical Applications
• General industrial use where there is a risk of ingestion of paint vapour, silica dust, wood dust, asbestos, cement dust, solvents or moulds
• Commercial construction

• EN140
• EN14387+A1